Monday, April 28, 2008

The Beginning

Day one:

Here I sit in PDX with a Typhoid pill dissolving in my tummy and yogurt chasing it five hours behind. I can claim only 16 hours of sleep in the last four days (2 1/2 last night), and I am not caffeinated. France (by way of Minneapolis), Italy, and Jordan, here we come!

All of my possessions for the next ten weeks fits into one blue, rectangular carry-on case that I mom bought at Goodwill; a large, often overloaded backpack; and my brand spanking new money belt (that's the best part-- woot woot!).

I plan to either sleep after out layover, or give into my coffee/tea addiction and caffeinate. What would be the wise thing to do? Ha! What do I WANT to do? No clue (for reasons, please read the first paragraph).

When I am no longer cranky, without sleep, incoherent, and loopy, I will post a . . . post (that was disgustingly redundant, but what else can I call it?) detailing what I will be doing with myself this summer.

Peace-- it's possible,


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