Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh, How the Times

This sounds pathetic really, but I'm not the only one. . . to Google myself. I did it tonight. I've sworn to combat this insomnia/extended jet lag thing by just going to bed, but I think a lot at night (something I picked up in Oxford I'm sure), but am not incredibly productive, so I write about things I don't have to "produce." My life. Oddly enough, that just seems to happen (sometimes I'm quite happy with it, sometimes I get frustrated), every single day I breathe. Funny how that works.

Well, I stumbled across a friend's old blog that she hasn't updated in a long while, as well as my old blog by way of a link. I am happy to say that from those moments of being the young feminist, frustrated philosopher, and stressed over-achieving student, while I am still to a great degree describable by those terms, oh, how the times have changed me, in unexpected ways. And since this is my blog, I'm going to probe the depths and you can't stop me. ;) Actually, I'm not a big fan of confessional blog posts, so I'll keep this brief.

Firstly, we can tack "strives to be compassionate and diplomatic" to "young feminist." "Frustrated philosopher" can stay for sure, but perhaps a little bit more confident because I've been forced to be, and far less skeptical, and certainly humbler. Or more humbled. And I hope that as an over-achieving (sometimes) stressed student I still make time to listen to others when they need me, to be thoughtful in my responses, to make tea and share biscuits frequently, and that through my work I speak for those who are ignored, moderate between poles, uncover beauty, uncover hurt that must be soothed and named out loud, and speak of love with truth.

I've changed a lot. But not so much. And that's okay.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

oh, how far we eventually come. your musings on how you have grown are quite encouraging- thank you!